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Finally today we went out!!
Walaupun panasnya cetar membahana, entah berapa derajat celcius pagi tadi, mau ngecek takut πππ.
Keluar dari rumah jam 8:50 pagi, mau ambil Bus no F02 yang jadwal jam 9:03, eh ternyata salah tempat nunggu bus nya...2 kali bus lewat kita diem aja...
Akhirnya setelah 20 menit menunggu, baru sadar klo kita salah bus stop....hahhaa
We catch the next bus...
18 minutes ride the bus to the metro station and then continue the journey for almost 40 minutes by metro to Health Care City Metro St.
Kids always enjoyed whenever we travel by bus or metro.. very convenient as usual!!!
Thanks to Dubai Metro and Bus services...
First, we went to my eye doctor appointment in Healthcare City. Everything was good as expected as per the doctor, nothing to worry, I just need to put eye drops as frequent as I can!!!
And next appointment is after 2 months. I am happy for the lasik result by this clinic, professional doctor and they have a good team.
Dan sekarang, kita udah sampe di Grand Hyatt Hotel, cuman jalan 5 menit dari klinik mata.
Anak2 excited banget mau bermain di Kids Club nya, ketemu anak2 seusia mereka di Kids Club...
Btw, my plan is to hv jacuzzy while kids is in the Kids Club.... tapi apalah daya, saya lupa bawa pakaian renang... Alamak!!!
Faktor usia sepertinya!!! udah mulai pikun emak satu ini...
Mau cari kegiatan lain aja klo begini caranya!!!
Untuk Pembelian dalam jumlah Banyak, Silakan Kontak Customer Service Kami untuk mendapatkan harga terbaik
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